Choy Yiu Chan created Choy’s podcast because she knows many great people who have a lot of knowledge and life experience to share. Sometimes it makes so much difference to hear that someone else did something totally different than expected from them which worked out really well later.


Choy happened to be in Shanghai for the first time in 2005 where she immediately felt the exciting buzz of the city so it did not take long before Choy quit her job as a lawyer back home to move to Shanghai.

Initially the plan was just to stay for 6 months but it became 10+ years. Choy, born and raised in the Netherlands, is partner of the Equasia Group, Bonnard Lawson International Law Firm Shanghai part of BNLS Law Firm. Choy advises companies with their business in Asia based on a long term relationship. In 2017 Choy moved to Hong Kong in the middle of interesting times. 

Being Chinese Dutch, Choy always feels in between cultures and sees the world from different point of views. Helping to build bridges between cultures and people always had her interest and her goal is to contribute to the world and the community as much as possible. Choy is a single mother since the birth of her son.

Choy’s mission

The intention of the podcast is to give tips about doing business in Asia but secretly also about choices and possibilities in life. The mission is to inspire, share, connect and grow together from entrepreneurs, experts and other interesting people that crossed paths with Choy.

So if you want to know more about doing business and in particular doing business in Asia with a focus on China, you came to the right channel!